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Automatically monitor your Internet service and provider with alerts to problems
Track Internet disconnections, provider outages with historical data, and automated speed testing.
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  • FAQ posts are linked from therefore, in no particular order in this forum.

    32 Topics
    32 Posts

    When going to this page, the first item you'll see is any ports down and needing attention in the 'Currently down' box. If the box shows zero, then all of your ports are up and available.

    If any are down, this number will show how many and next to this, in the 'Down ports details', the ports that need attention.

    Below this section, you'll find three simple graphs that give you a visual representation of how your monitored ports are performing.

    The first graph shows which ports are the most problematic, then the average time that certain ports are down and finally, the average amount of time each port is down.

    The next section is your raw data showing filterable details.

    IP address
    Some people have changing IP addresses and are likely using DDNS services. This column shows what the IP address was at the time of the port outage which could be useful information in some cases.

    Note that yellow colored IP address entries mean that the IP changed while the port was still being monitored as being down. This is reflected in no entries being entered into the last three columns and the next new line is the continuation of the port being monitored using the new IP address.

    Currently, only TCP is supported. UDP could be added if there is enough demand for it.

    The port being monitored.

    Port status
    In most cases, this will show 'closed' as this was the result of the last scan. On some cases, the port may show as 'open' meaning that the scan may have occurred in a way that allowed the port to be seen as back online depending on the last scan timing.

    Port service
    This indicates the typical well known service name for the port. In some cases, this can be ignored if you are doing something custom.

    First down
    Shows when the port was first found to be unreachable.

    Last down
    Shows the last scan date/time when the port continued to be actively monitored as being down. In some cases, depending on the next scan timing, both the Last down and one of the remaining three ports could have the same date/time. This simply means the event ended with one of the following conditions.

    Back up
    The port was found to be back up or online and available again.

    Not used in this application. Allows for a software based entry.

    The port was removed from the scanning list and is no longer being monitored.

    Note that scanning times are based on your settings which must be kept in mind when looking at reports. In other words, a scan may have happened 30 seconds ago or will happen in the next five minutes, depending on your settings. The scanning cannot be done in real time as this would be an inappropriate use of the Internet and scanning policies.

    Note also that we use a TCP based scanning method to again be Internet friendly.

  • We LOVE hearing how you are or have used OutagesIO to solve Internet issues.
    7 Topics
    12 Posts


    For almost ten years, a free version of the reports were available but two things happened to eventually have to go paid only.

    First, our costs have gone up in every direction so offering the service for free is no longer sustainable. We are constantly maintaining, updating, and developing and offering the service at no cost is simply not possible anymore.
    However, we do our best to make it very low cost. If $5.95 saves you even one hour of troubleshooting in one month, it's been paid for.

    Second, we had a large base of free members but 99% of those members never interacted with us no matter how much we tried to get input and feedback.

    Not getting any feedback makes it hard to improve, fix problems, and more importantly, hard to know what we should focus on and put more effort into.

    Free services are often abused and are mostly offered by companies that have big investors behind them, willing to lose money to gain a user base. We don't have investors, we're a small company wanting to earn our keep by offering good services that people find useful.

    I hope this helps to answer your question, and we hope you'll find OutagesIO useful too.

  • About the site, services, privacy policy, informative articles.
    22 Topics
    31 Posts

    OK, I could chat with a support person in the forums. How do I initiate the chat?

  • Read only - Announcing new features and sharing some of the release notes.
    31 Topics
    41 Posts

    A new version has been released which addresses false reports of gateway outages instead of external ones in certain cases.

    Please upgrade as soon as possible.