- RPi-4
It's called a Raspberry 4 or is it known as something else?
I assume that the official name to be 'Raspberry Pi 4' (https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/), but RPi-4 for short.
It now shows in the Dashboard as "Device: Raspberry, 3B+, 64 bit", but in fact now running on a 'Raspberry Pi 4'.
It might be that doesn't matter, as long is ARM. So, you may consider named just as 'Raspberry Pi (ARM)' or so.
I do own RPi-3b+ and RPi-4, and OutagesIO works on both (feel free to contact me if in need of test).
- Exec at Boot
After much trying, could not make the regular 'rc.local' process to work (which is the easiest to start process at boot, and I'm still puzzled).
But just could make it work through 'systemctl' way, and that is suffice (https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/).
- Notifications
We are setting up a new level called Extended reports. You can read about it in the new features forum.
Ok. Acknowledged.
Nevertheless, thank you for OutagesIO services and your time.