Hi James,
I have a new hardware agent which I received last week and it's failed to remain running for more than about 10 minutes.
I plugged it in and created an agent on the website, successfully communicating with it and setting it up.
Hardware agents are pre-created and waiting for you to activate it once you receive it.
When you install or 'create' software agents, you are prompted to pick the operating system version. The installer eventually prompts you to enter your login credentials so that it can find out which account to assign your new agent to.
You mention showing 'continue installation' would be a software agent and unrelated to your hardware agent. When you first create a software agent, it shows in 'Created' status with 'complete installation'. Those are removed 24hrs later so as not to confuse members.
Now let's look at the hardware agent. When your hardware agent was prepared and ready to ship, an email containing the word 'Activation' would have been sent to you. That email contains all of the information you need to know how to connect your agent and activate it into your account.
I think you are missing this email as it explains how to get it up and running and activated into your account. Without this information, you might end up going down the path you have.
Reset does not do anything on the agents, we disable them because people have trashed their agents by pressing buttons without knowing what they mean. Since you see a single solid LED on, it means the agent is running as it should be, it's just waiting to be activated into your account.
Let's see if we can take care of that first then we can try to solve what's going on with any software agents you might have created.
First, can you post the agent ID of the hardware please. There is a white sticker on the side of the hardware agent, please share that number.