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I’ll wait.
Ok, thanks for your patience. We're getting closer, we know what the problem is, just trying to find a way to solve it and test it to make sure that the agents will be highly reliable like our 100Mbps ones are.
If you can't find a way to solve it, I'm willing to exchange for a 100Mbps.
Sure we can do that and refund you the difference of course.
I don't think we won't be able to solve it, it's just taking longer than expected.
We need to make sure that when these devices are shipped out, they are rock solid and that we can send them updates, reboots, and things like that to prevent what's happening now.
If you find it's taking too long at some point, just let us know and we'll get a replacement going for you asap.
We've had a solid build since yesterday. If testing continues well tomorrow, we'll be shipping first thing next week.
OutagesIO_Supportwrote on Feb 19, 2024, 1:17 AM last edited by OutagesIO_Support Feb 19, 2024, 10:12 PM
At this point, we'll be shipping replacements as of Monday.
We've repeatedly tested every possible thing we could and feel confident that these should be reliable.
The caveat is, we've been trying to hurry and it's always possible we missed something small. As long as we can send them updates, we should be able to solve any issues.
Thank you for your patience.
Did you get your replacement yet? We shipped replacements using high priority.
No, nothing yet.
That's odd, they went out priority.
Let me find the tracking and go from there. -
Just received it. Per your instructions, I'm swapping out the old one and will return it to you.
s ago
last edited by
Just received it. Per your instructions, I'm swapping out the old one and will return it to you. -
Update here when it's done so I can have your data moved over unless you don't care. If you don't care, then I'll just assign the new one to your account as soon as it's online. Just let me know what the ID is. It should be a sticker on the side.
I don't care. 1 30782
Is the ID the same on both?
I had to re-open the enveloppe you sent me. Yes, it's the same.
Thanks for checking. Let us know when it's online.
I plugged it to the LAN port, which is blinking. But not activity.
If it's blinking, it doesn't seem to be getting a DHCP IP address from the uptream. We don't see it communicating yet. After a short boot, the red LED should be solid.
Can you log into your router/firewall to see if it's getting an IP?That's something we'll change with a remote update in the future.
Red light is solid but no other lights in the front. It does have an IP address.
I know these were tested repeatedly so it should work right out of the box.
I do see that it communicated at 2024-02-24 15:10:07 but no more after that. I'll have to ask a dev for help. I'm not sure why it's not working but I do see that it tried.
He's away right now but I'll send a message and hopefully hear back soon.