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Slow speed tests
wrote on Jan 15, 2021, 7:40 PM last edited by KelAuth Sep 30, 2021, 8:54 AM
That's interesting. The only limitation for the agent that I know of would be the NIC limit on the PC itself.
The highest test I see for your agent is 287Mbps or so. I see plenty of others testing their 1GB connections so this one is stumping me.
What I do see however is quite interesting which is how much the bandwidth goes up and down, even if you're not getting to the highest saturation level during the tests. 243Kbps at one point and plenty of others in the Kbps range.
Your pings are about 100ms but they too are all over the place a lot. Take a look at your 4hr report, it's quite the range.
There are definitely some problems with this connection and the OutagesIO reports may or may not give you all of the answers but are definitely showing that more digging is required.
We have a new speed test method coming that would be interesting to try in this case. It is still in development and is going to be for Enterprise members but we're happy to use it once it's done to give more information about what's going on here to try and help you and also because it's a good example of using it.
wrote on Jan 28, 2021, 7:57 PM last edited byThis post is deleted!
wrote on Jan 29, 2021, 6:14 PM last edited by KelAuth Sep 30, 2021, 9:01 AM
Speed testing is a difficult topic unfortunately because speeds are not realistic to what one actually gets going from site to site, over many different networks etc. Speeds are never the same from moment to moment so are truly always irregular. That is the problem with commercial speed testing sites, they are highly optimized, focused on show you your best speed and not what your average is which they make secondary.
That said, what you are sharing is quite interesting and should not be that different.
Because we are in fact interested in helping with Internet problems, we have a new speed test that we are in the last stages of development for our Enterprise level customers that might at least give us something to work with. Once released, we would basically just enable the feature for you temporarily so we could get some results to see how they compare to what you're seeing now. You would have to re-install your Windows agent but your hardware agent would automatically get the update.
The starting point here would be if you can share the agent ID's of your comparisons so I can get together with a dev and go over your results.
We never discount that there could be a bug or something wrong, it's always possible but I'd like to look before I can comment.
wrote on Jan 29, 2021, 6:40 PM last edited by
Agent IDs:
Hardware Agent: 127432
Software Agent: 31788
You're very helpful. Thank you.
wrote on Jan 30, 2021, 4:10 PM last edited by
My apologies as we've not had time to look at this. The past week has had us spending a lot of time trying to improve the statuses notification system as we've noticed some false positives being sent out. We have this in our list of things to look at this coming week if you can hang in there.
I'm sure we can help you and at the same time, check to make sure we don't have a bug we're not aware of.
Thank you for your patience.
wrote on Jan 30, 2021, 6:37 PM last edited by KelAuth Sep 30, 2021, 9:04 AM
There is an update available that is for Enterprise level members of OutagesIO but if you update your Windows version, we can enable a new speed test function on that agent next week when we test. This will help us to compare against the other two you have installed.
I'm not sure if I missed it but can you confirm that both are at the same location, same switch, provider, etc.
wrote on Feb 5, 2021, 3:07 AM last edited by
Hi Support,
I apologize for that late reply. Yes. Both are at the same location using the same cable modem.
wrote on Feb 7, 2021, 2:48 AM last edited by
Would you mind pinging us again on this in a while, like a week or two.
We've had to spend a huge amount of time trying to find the source of a problem with the Windows installer which ended up causing several test releases which means that some of our versions are no longer the same. We now have to try to consolidate all of these changes across all of the versions that we have which is taking more work than expected since we are also testing this new speed test feature that we are working on.
It would be easier to compare and try to understand what is going on once all of our versions are at the same level, Windows and your hardware agent included.
wrote on Feb 7, 2021, 2:54 AM last edited by
Your consistent contact is appreciated.
wrote on Feb 11, 2021, 3:38 AM last edited by
Just wanted you to know that you have not been forgotten. There is a lot of testing to be done in order to give you an answer.
It is just as important to us to know if there is something going on with our speed testing function.
It just takes time as everything seems to cause a rabbit hole situation.
wrote on Feb 19, 2021, 3:41 PM last edited by
Hi Support,
Here is a status update on our internet service that should help you interpret any changes seen in the speed tests recently. At around 7pm, Friday 12 Feb, I connected a new Netgear CM2000 modem, DOCSIS 3.1. After an hour of trying to activate, we reconnected the old modem until the kids went to bed. Then at 11 ish, I reconnected the CM2000 and activated it. I believe we had more stable speed tests from the software agent after that but are still seeing oddly lower hardware agent speed tests.
At noon, Saturday 13 Feb, I upgraded our Xfinity Internet service to 1.2 Gbps. No telling when that comes into effect.
I have a question that might not be related. The router indicates that the hardware agent is linked at 100M and not 1000M. Could this lower the speed tested? This is the link speed that the hardware agent uses at any of the gigabit ports on the router.
wrote on Feb 19, 2021, 6:58 PM last edited by EchoMin Jul 31, 2021, 10:22 AM
I believe we had more stable speed tests from the software agent after that but are still seeing oddly lower hardware agent speed tests.
Yes, our hardware agents only have 100Mbps ports. We have tested the idea of selling gigabit port agents but cannot justify the reasoning.
Meaning that the idea behind speed testing should not be abound full saturation speed, it should be about practical, usable bandwidth.
If you have so little bandwidth that it is preventing you from working or getting the entertainment you're paying for, you'll need hard facts and informationbeyond speed testing to motivate the provider to look into it and more importantly, make repairs if needed. They often won't do anything unless there are a fair number of customers complaining or aware of the problems.
This article may shed some light;
Are Internet Speed Tests For Real?We have something we're testing that will be for our business customers but I'd be happy to enable it for you for a 24 or 48hrs to see if it might help. It has to be a software agent (Just let me know which) and has to be the latest version, 1.67.2104. After confirming the start of the test here in the forum, I could take a screen cap and share the results.
wrote on Feb 24, 2021, 1:26 AM last edited by
Hello Support,
I swear I've read that post multiple times before, but there it is, plain as day. Hardware agents don't have gigabit ports. That's on me. I guess it was never important while our internet speeds were slower. Thanks for the info.
Please use software agent 127432 for the test.
Many thanks,
wrote on Feb 24, 2021, 3:07 PM last edited by
Hi Support,
Sorry. The software agent is 31788.
wrote on Mar 2, 2021, 5:47 PM last edited by
I'm sorry about this but the new speed test is still in testing. We had started rolling it out but found some problems that we need to solve.
Ping us again about this in a month or so if you've not seen it rolled out or have found any answers.