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32-bit Windows 7 agent installer
Hi Mark,
Unfortunately, I don't think we've had a 32bit version for many years because Microsoft no longer put out the updates we needed to support it.
Any old versions we might have backed up somewhere would no longer function with all of the changes we've made to the service since then.
I'm one of those people that is trying to hang on to Windows 7 for as long as I can but had to go 64bit since most developers moved on as well.
Hi Mark,
Unfortunately, I don't think we've had a 32bit version for many years because Microsoft no longer put out the updates we needed to support it.
Any old versions we might have backed up somewhere would no longer function with all of the changes we've made to the service since then.
I'm one of those people that is trying to hang on to Windows 7 for as long as I can but had to go 64bit since most developers moved on as well.
Oh, ok. I guess I would just have to find a newer laptop then.... Thanks. -
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