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Reactivating a hardware agent
I connected both ports to the network switch. The switch shows both ports have connected at 100M. Looking on the dhcp server no entries start with the MAC orig of e4:95:6e. Trying to ping the IP assigned shows no response. My dhcp server assigns the agents an IP out of the dynamic range. Running an IP scan using nmap doesn't show any IP's starting with e4:95:6e.
If it helps, looking at your dashboard, the 30938 agent last had x.x.54.225 and your 30936 agent had x.x.57.126.
I've been monitoring the logs and have not seen either agent attempt to connect so as you said, there is a network issue.
What ever the problem is, it is unrelated to the agent software itself because once they had network connectivity, they would just download the latest software and run. I wanted to see them online because there is also another update that needs to be done manually since we've automated it since you last used these but this would not prevent them from working.
If you cannot even get an IP on them, there is not much else we can do. You'll have to ship them back and we'll get them back to life for you.
You can send them to;
Echo Networks, Box 12454, Prescott, Az, 86304
Assuming they were not bricked and no sign of abuse, we'll fix them and ship them back to you.
Sorry we could not fix them through the forums only but you'll get back nice and fresh agents :).
Sounds good. Give us a nudge if we don't acknowledge it here in the forums after a couple of days past the 23rd then.
Ok, good news. Both agents are now live and being tested running the newest firmware.
Initially, both were unresponsive but we were able to get them back.
You can look at your dashboard and you'll see they are live but please, don't make any changes until you get them back as we need to test before we ship them back to you.
Hi, they were shipped back to you yesterday. You'll get them back next week.
If you have any problems, just post a new question and we'll be happy to help you. If you find OutagesIO useful, please tell as many people as you can. There are so many frustrated people out there and we're trying to let them know there is a way to troubleshoot Internet problems.
Unfortunately, no. We ended up factory resetting them so that we could reload our firmware.
Maybe some sort of DHCP/fixed IP mix up where the agent/s could no longer get a DHCP IP since they were expecting a static DHCP assignment. Really not sure. All I can tell you is that here also, they would not connect to our DHCP server, at all.
I really do not know what happened but very happy that we were able to reload them and get them working.
Please let us know how things are going after you use them for a while.