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Subscription disappeared
Dear support, I purchased a 2.5gbps hw agent with the 1yr upgraded subscription package. I got it configured, took it offline for a couple weeks, but when I went to reconnect it just now, my dashboard is showing no subscription and is only showing options for me to pay for a duplicate subscription. Agent # is 131237. Can you please assist? Thx
Very sorry for no response on this. For some reason, the site didn't send us an email about the post. I'll look right now and respond.
I can confirm that the system did take the upgrade away. I have filed a bug with our lead developer to look into this. I would rather not change it back before someone looks at it in case there is a small bug if that's ok with you. It won't be long.
O OutagesIO_Support marked this topic as a question
No bug. One month was given in error. One year now added :).
Thanks so much for fixing it! Everything is fully operational again and the subscription access is showing.
O OutagesIO_Support has marked this topic as solved