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What is /deviceid ?
When we build a firmware, we add an ID and a date to this file which represents the manufacturer/model of the device this firmware is running on.
When the starter script starts, it can look up which version of the agent it needs to download and if it's an embedded device, it can know if it needs to upgrade itself, things like that.
We maintain and test a fair number of makes/models for the hardware agents we use and we are trying to get to unified scripts that can work on everything we have. Some will use some things in the scripts, some won't.
So the answer is that for the Linux download, this is not used but the script is a common one that we use and some hardware devices would use the /etc/deviceid.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll pass this on to the developers.
I hope you'll find OutagesIO useful.
Can you let me know which version of the starter script you have? I believe it is 1.0.1.
In that version, that section looks like this.
#Version 1.0.1
Enter the full path where you will be placing the script into.
Our example shows '/agent', change this to what ever your path is.
#echo "$devid" >$filesetc/deviceid
And, I'm not sure why that line is there. It was probably left over from some testing and is not being used for the Linux version.
> Can you let me know which version of the starter script you have?
# fgrep Version /agent/ #Version 1.0.1 #
I created a new software agent for Ubuntu (id 126425) and the first lines of the script in installation procedure is :
#!/bin/bash #Version 1.0.1 # Enter the full path where you will be placing the script into. # Our example shows '/agent', change this to what ever your path is. start="/agent" echo "$devid" >$filesetc/deviceid echo "Make sure to create /etc/agentid with credentials before starting this script"
It turns out that line is not needed for Linux based installations and was left over from some testing.
All of those scripts have been updated. No need to download it again, simply remove that line.
Thanks for catching that and letting us know.
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