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Important - Cable and wireless Internet services
Cable and wireless provider based Internet services have an additional layer of potential problems as these services are provided using both signal levels and TCP/IP routing. This presents a problem in that OutagesIO cannot monitor cable or wireless signal levels but it can give you hints.
Your agent will always report IP network problems but it cannot know about signal level issues which may be affecting your own modem or your providers equipment outside of your location.
Examples of this might be if you see inactive notifications and speed test results which are outages based but which don't show any related outages. These problems are usually because the agent was unable to communicate, disconnected in some way while there were no actual IP outages.
In some cases, if you find that restarting your modem gets you back online and there are no outages in your reports, it typically means the modem is experiencing problems or something upstream is but at the cable plant level. If you believe the problem may be signal related, you would need to log into your modem and take a look at the signal levels.
OutagesIO is constantly in development mode and this is something we would like to address in the near future.
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