Track Internet disconnections, provider outages with historical data, and automated speed testing.
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Windows Install
wrote on Oct 3, 2022, 10:08 PM last edited by
I hope someone can help. I just signed up for an account. I've been going around in circles on your website. Where is the windows install which includes the dashboard? All I see is a speedtest.
wrote on Oct 3, 2022, 10:34 PM last edited by
I'm not sure how we can help, you provided no information what so ever unfortunately.
What is the agent ID?
What problem are you having?Every page on the site has detailed explanations for all functions and how they work.
Have you looked at those as a starting point?
Keep in mind, if you've just installed an agent, problems will start showing up quickly if you have some but if you don't, then just basic heartbeat and pings will show until you have outages.
wrote on Oct 3, 2022, 10:55 PM last edited by
Sorry - I'm having trouble navigating the website and finding anything. Didn't see any documentation. But I did find a post from someone who said they were completely lost (just like me) and followed the instructions they were given. I think I have what I need for now. Will re-post if I need anything else.
Thx very much for the very quick reply!! -
wrote on Oct 3, 2022, 11:20 PM last edited by
No problem.
There is a bit of a learning curve but not too much. We've tried to make it as automatic as possible but like all tools, it does take a little reading and learning to understand how to use it.
The site is mainly just our marketing site, it's where search engines and folks searching for a service like ours can learn about us.
This site is for support but also contains quite a lot of information from us and others who have posted similar questions that can help others.
The site is the service itself. It's a 100% custom built service which is why all three of these things aren't all in one service. It simply wasn't possible.
My suggestion is that if you have an agent installed at this point, just let it run for a while. Data will start showing up as problems occur.
Once it does, review the pages help and if you need more clarification, just post here including some details (not personal) and we'll try to help.