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Notice: If you created an account on, simply use the same credentials to log in here.
My Account has been Disabled :(
OK. Thanks. I have been able to login, but can no longer see the detailed information that became available yesterday when I paid via paypal.
OK. Thanks.
Any news on this ? - I am trying to make some network improvements, and with no access to the detailed information that I was getting, I am now blocked.
We do see the subscription and we do see that it was cancelled so that you would get a month of use.
I'm not sure what 'blocked' means but I assume you mean the reports aren't in Extended mode so you're not seeing them. I do see your account is active and you can log in.
It's possible paypal made some small change that somehow caused a glitch so I manually added the month to your agent, ID 130872 pending our solving the problem so you would not have to wait for that.
The agent is online, active, and in extended reports mode now.
Let us know if everything looks ok now. -
O OutagesIO_Support marked this topic as a question on
Excellent - thanks - All looking good now :)
Thanks for your help. -
Your welcome, thanks for using OutagesIO.
O OutagesIO_Support has marked this topic as solved on
BTW, quick question. We see that your agent is running on Win 11 but it's showing speeds over 1GB at times. We also see that you have a 1GB Internet service but as we all know, services typically go a little above the speeds we purchase but they should not go over the Ethernet card speed or network limit.
Can you let us know if your PC has a higher than 1GB card installed and if your network connection is direct to the provider's device? If so, that would account for the slightly higher speeds but if your Ethernet card is 1GB, then it helps to confirm with us that we may have a tiny calculation problem somewhere in the speed testing code.
Hi there, If you are seeing speeds of over 1GB then I think they must be somewhat inaccurate.
All the tests I have been running have been going through a Gigabit switch, (WD My Net) or via the first node on my mesh network (Tenda WM12) - I don't beleive either of these devices are capable of over 1GB speeds. The network card I am using is a Lenovo port replicator: Powered USB-C Travel Hub.I hope this helps
You can see the results in your Historical/Speed tests page.
Yes, we've been seeing some inconsistencies but only on the high side. Meaning that sometimes, the speeds are higher than the interface could even handle. It's only now and then however so don't pay attention to those that don't make sense.We're aware of it and is why we ask members now and then as it's been a very difficult problem to solve so far.
Thanks for your intput.
Thanks for the information