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Agent going into the status of 'Disconnected' when I have not turned off my PC
We had a banner on login to the application site about making some network changes that we thought might cause inactive/disconnected to happen.
We monitored the statuses to see if they went down and back up as we completed the work. As of around 12hrs ago, all seemed to be getting better.
Can you monitor this for another day and let us know if it's better now. Can you also share your agent ID.
Finally, when you see your agent status as Inactive or disconnected but feel the PC is still communicating over the Internet, can you try pinging from that same PC exactly when you are seeing that status.
The way the agent works is that it's using the ping mainly to have a constant known destination. It's always possible one path cannot reach something while we're still using the device with other paths. Although in this case, it might be related to what we were working on over the last few days.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know, it's very appreciated. Looking forward to your replies.
Thanks for the reply and information. Just for your information, yesterday I was not on my PC for most of the afternoon, so I missed an event that concerned me. Last night (16 March about10:30 pm CDT) I logged onto my dashboard and saw this message regarding my internet service. "2023-03-16 15:47:43 - Down ( for 2h 15m 32s (Internal). My dashboard was working as expected when I logged on, no issues. I get a couple of internet interrupts every day but at most they about 10 - 20 seconds. This is a long, ongoing occurrence and you guys have tried to figure out what's causing it.
I would say if there was no outage associated with that time frame in your reports, then it was probably related to what we're working on.
Meaning, if it just seemed like an unknown 'Inactive' to 'Disconnected' status, and that's unusual for you, it's probably something at our end.
We're trying to improve parts of the service and unfortunately, some of that is related to DNS and propagation.
It's possible some agents are hitting one server for a part of a test and another for another part and that's causing confusion for the agent.What appeared to be some relatively simple background upgrades turned into important questions and wanting to better understand parts of what we've built.
We are running tests on the network side of the application to see if there are any unknowns we might not be aware of in terms of detecting and confirming outages by the agents. Or, things that could or should be improved to help get better results.
All should be back to normal in a day or two so our apologies for any confusion in the meantime.
By the way, any such problems since?
BTW, can you share the ID of an agent that was or is having problems.
@LTMiniard said in Agent going into the status of 'Disconnected' when I have not turned off my PC:
Ok, so, what I see is not what I expected.
This is an outage. It means the agent was not able to reach that device, presumably your local firewall/router based on looking at the hops it's sending.
The fact that it's local makes it pretty hard to know what happened. The service is mostly about monitoring Internet providers, the rest is just 'bonus' if it helps :).
What's interesting however is those hops. Is that device in a data center or a high level network because those hops are really a bit odd.
I've upgraded your agent to Extended so you can see what I'm seeing. Maybe you can shed a bit more light to help determine what happened.
The work we're doing should not have affected this event or caused it either. It looks like a genuine outages, but a local one.
This isn't related to the problem we're trying to solve, if there is one. That problem is that the agent supposedly stops running and/or shows as Inactive/Disconnected in the dashboard while the user is still able to connect to the Internet.
It's mostly a Windows thing and seems to be related to older versions.
Thanks for the clarification and reply. My set up is a Motorola 23x8 cable modem with an AC1900 router. I operate at 400 Mb speed from Optimum/SuddenLink. From there my network goes WiFi to some devices and wired to others. There is a Linksys Dual Band WiFi 5 Router 2.4 & 5G to extend my wired and WiFi range. I'm not sure what you're referencing with "Is that device in a data center or a high level network because those hops are really a bit odd." All my previous discussion with y'all has come to the conclusion that it's something starting at my Motorola working its way into my network. I've looked for interference but with no luck I've been able to live with the 10 -20 second internet outages but the 2 minute would be a serious game changer. I see the addition info on the dashboard.
The thing to keep in mind is that OutagesIO is just another tool. It automates logging problems but it cannot solve some issues on its own. Meaning, like any other tool, other factors and even other tools sometimes need to be used to find the problem.
Most of the time, the information is enough to know what's going on but sometimes it's just not enough.
I asked about the connection being close to a high level network operator because of the hops and how quickly they get to Arizona where our main network is. However, we can discount that now.
When you have quantifiable IP outages, you'll see them in your reports but in this case, they are mostly disconnections with just one outage, local.
It could be interference but you ruled it out. This implies that there is something other than specifically IP that is causing these problems as in low signals or signal loss or failing cable, interface, even a configuration that's not right but enough that it's working.
I would eliminate the wifi as much as possible first.
Make sure you're not monitoring from a PC connected to a wireless device until you know for sure everything else is good. Meaning, connect your monitoring PC directly to the providers router to eliminate other problems first. -
replied to OutagesIO_Support on last edited by
@OutagesIO_Support I'm going to set up an email alert to send a notificaton on my iphone when an outage occurs. Gmail can attempt to identify a "High priority only" email. What does the header look like and what is the email address of the sender?
Just look at any of the emails you've received so far, they are all from the same email servers.
Subject always starts with OutagesIO
Subject: OutagesIO - Agent ID xxxxxx...
From: OutagesIO
To: "" xx@xxl.comSMTP server example;
Received: from (LHLO
( by with LMTP; Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:05:03
-0700 (MST)
Received: from localhost (localhost [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id -
replied to OutagesIO_Support on last edited by
@OutagesIO_Support Is it possible to send a test email message with regards to an outage so that I can test my filter in Gmail.
Sure, it's done. Sent to the user account email on the application site.
replied to OutagesIO_Support on last edited by
@OutagesIO_Support Thanks. Got it and Gmail filter marked it as Important but Gmail will only send notifications to my iPhone if they are considered High Priority. Gmail uses some sort of algorithm to determine if an email is High Priority. It learns from traffic and speed of replies to incoming emails. Guess I'll just see what time will tell. Again, thanks for the try.
@OutagesIO_Support It's happening again. Disconnected but still have internet access. Tried the ping to as recommended. See attached screen shot below. As a side note I found many error messages in my modem log, they were similar to this.
I did a complete clean of all fittings for my modem router all the way back to the cable box on the exterior of the house. That appears to have fixed the problem of the error messages, none since 2023-03-18 18:13:12 - Down ( for 4m 29s (Internal) although I still had 1 drop in internet later.
When this happened, did you also check the service on the machine that the agent is running on? Does the agent service show that it's running or stopped?
If you restart the service on the PC, does the agent show back to active on the OutagesIO dashboard?
replied to OutagesIO_Support on last edited by OutagesIO_Support
@OutagesIO_Supoort I did a Restart OTM from an icon on my tray, did a mass admin run of all 4 .exe files in the Echo Networks Service folder, then went to Echo Networks Service and stopped it and restarted it but it still showed Disconnected. I closed the web browser and then opened it, and it then showed all normal. So, are you saying that the best way is to Stop and Restart the service?
replied to LTMiniard on last edited by
@LTMiniard said in Agent going into the status of 'Disconnected' when I have not turned off my PC:
I did a Restart OTM from an icon on my tray, did a mass admin run of all 4 .exe files in the Echo Networks Service folder, then went to Echo Networks Service and stopped it and restarted it but it still showed Disconnected. I closed the web browser and then opened it, and it then showed all normal. So, are you saying that the best way is to Stop and Restart the service?
No, just trying to gather more information to figure out where the problem is.
If the service was at fault, restarting it and immediately seeing the agent back to Active would get us looking at the service.
The fact that you didn't see the status change to Active right away seems to imply that the service seems fine and that something else is causing this.It's interesting that when you closed the browser and opened it back up, then it was fine. That implies that the browser might be caching some things, preventing the true status from showing.
The next time this happens, you could fire up a different browser and look at your dashboard to see if both show the same.
Some others have said something along these lines happen but while some of the symtoms seem to be similar, it's not clear what is happening making it very hard to know what needs to be fixed, it anything.
I am also having this problem. My dashboard says Disconnected and stops reporting. I checked this on both Chrome and Edge browsers. I can ping with no problem.
When I restart the agent, both browsers start reporting again. The agent ID is 130148.