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error on ruuning starter script
error on running script:- 34: [[: not found
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL -
replied to albert999 on last edited by OutagesIO_Support
@albert999 Hi,
Happy to help but we'll need more information.
What directory/path do you have the script in?
What edits did you make to the script?
What user are you running this as when you start it?
Can you show the exact commands and responses from the time you try starting the script? -
replied to OutagesIO_Support on last edited by
directory path /otm
edits - none
user root
root@antix1:/otm# sh starter.shMake sure to create /etc/agentid with credentials before starting this script
Make sure this script points to the same directory that you have it in - Edit the 'STARTING_FOLDER' variable in this script accordingly
You could add this to /etc/rc.local to start it or build a service for it. Please search Google for 34: [[: not found
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
cat: /otm/otminfo.log: No such file or directory
cat: /otm/otminfo.log: No such file or directory
cat: /otm/otminfo.log: No such file or directory 34: [[: not found
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
then keeps repeating -
First of all I would like to be sure that you are following the instructions that you can find accessing the following link in your "Agents list" page:
I am attaching the link anyway: the script has been ONLY modified using the above mentioned instructions, the line you are referring to, is a normal bash script UNTIL statement.
We have no reports so far of errors in the script but I´d be more than happy to help you troubleshoot it.
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