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Software agent speedtest upload speed is 0
We have a software agent (128389) that reports 0 upload speed when performing speedtests. The download speed is reported in the normal range, but the upload speeds are all listed as 0. Please help.
We are looking into this now.
If we can get some info that could help.
We notice that agent ID's 128309, 128313, 128316, 128389 are all at the same address. Are these all using the same router/firewall?We also see they all seem to have different speeds.
Only the 128309 is sending uploads so is it possible that operating systems have different Build versions (update)?
replied to outagesio-greenwich-k12-ct-us on last edited by
Hi, three of our agents are at the same address and are different speeds due to:
128389 - this is a Windows server connected with 1G ethernet
128313 - this is an OutagesIO hardware agent connected with 100M ethernet
128309 - this is a Windows laptop connected via Wi-Fithe remaining agent is:
128316 - this is a Windows server connected with 1G ethernet
Agent 128389 started producing upload numbers last night around 2-3am:
2021-09-23 03:00:11 Baseline 527.62 Mbps 507.76 Mbps 28.80
2021-09-23 02:00:07 Baseline 488.99 Mbps 0 bps 28.80However, agent 128313, the OutagesIO hardware agent, is still reporting 0 for upload speed on all of its speedtests. Please help!
replied to outagesio-greenwich-k12-ct-us on last edited by SBK
Hi E.K.,
Let me try to summarize what I see and lets check together if there is a clear explanation.
Lets start with the inventory:
- 128389, SW agent (Win 10 Pro), OTM version 1.69.2106
- 128316, SW agent (Win 10 Enterprise), OTM version 1.69.2106
- 128309, SW agent (Win 10 Pro), OTM version 1.69.2106
- 128313, HW agent (GLinet MT300N-V2), OTM version 1.67.2104
Upload testing + Latency evaluation is available only from version 1.68.2105 and on the HW version we are still testing so this explains why you are not seeing the uploads on the HW agent: as soon as the testing period is over we will release the latest version and your agent will upgrade automatically.
As far as I can see:
- agent 128309 was able to send proper download/upload/latency from Sep 20th when the version 2106 was installed
- agent 128316 was able to send proper download/upload/latency from Sep 11th when speed-test was enabled
- agent 128389 seems to be the tricky one since it started from yday right after 3 am
The only thing we noticed is that some old Windows 10 builds were blocking some features of the OTM (the software that does the monitoring) and maybe (it is just an assumption) that pc/server was updated to the latest build.
Can you please double check that so I can have a better understanding of this weird behavior?