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Migrating networks
My yellow box seems to not like the new network I attempted to move it to. Is there something that I need to do when migrating to a new network?
To note:
This was installed with my routers default configuration, but I've since created Vlans. All other devices work except for this one. I'm able to plug a laptop into the same port and obtain an IP address and get to the Internet. -
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replied to SBK last edited by
@SBK Just did it again per your guidance, and it's just steady flashing saying inactive on the dashboard. I've done the following when moving:
- Unpower>move ports>repower
2.Move ports>unpower>repower
Is there a way I can factory reset the device?
Also to note: I do not have MAC filtering, or sticky IP's set.
- Unpower>move ports>repower
Kind of... I swapped it over to a switch that provides access to that same vlan subnet, and it was able to obtain an address that way. It doesn't seem to like being told what vlan to be a part of at the router interface. Still a mystery, but at least I've got a work around. Thanks again for your help in troubleshooting!
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