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7m outage noted as Internal when it shoud have been Provider
I had a 7m outage yesterday. It was definitely an issue with my ISP not "Internal" as it was noted. Why did it not show as "Provider"?
Agent ID is 130562.
2023-11-28 14:52:51 - Down ( for 7m 44s (Internal)
Would love a further explanation.
Thank you!
Just to understand a bit more can you please describe how the agent (in your case a linux pc with the sw installed) is connected to the internet?
I can see that the agent's IP has its gateway set to and has a public IP
Is the your device, to which the provider "cable" is connected to, or is it the provider's device, to which an IP of your LAN has been assigned by your DHCP ?
Do you have a firewall in between?
2.1 is my router that is connected via ethernet drop to my ISP. No separate firewall is in the mix here.
So the router has a LAN and a WAN port: LAN is and WAN ?
Does it have an IP in the network? -
Yes, LAN is 2.1, WAN is DHCP from ISP.
What Is My IP?
My Public IPv4: Public IPv6:
Not Detected
My IP Location:
Patterson, CA USMy ISP:
Frontier Communications of America Inc.Not sure what the xx.42.148.201 address is.
As an update, after a lot of testing, we believe the bug has been identified.
An internal test version will be created today and if confirmed as solving the problem, will become available on the site. -
What will I have to do if the bug resolution is confirmed?
Windows users would use the dashboard to re-install the software.
All others, it's an automatic update the next time the device downloads the agent.
We always suggest restarting the agent every 24 hours. -
I am running the software agent on Linux. You really suggest an agent restart every 24 hours? Is the restart necessary to update the agent? I have not automated the running of the agent. Can you remind me how to restart the agent service on Ubuntu? Thanks!
This is a post on how to turn it into a service. you can use a cron job to auto restart the service every X that you'd like. You don't have to auto restart it, this is a precaution we used to take because Windows machines used to have memory issues now and then so restarting the service was just a way to make sure the agent didn't get caught up in that.
We automatically reboot our hardware agents, just as a precaution and to make sure they pick up the lastest agent if there's been an update.
I don't want to make it a service at this point. What is the command to restart the agent?
There isn't one. You just kill the process then run the starter again.
that's what I am asking, remind me of the starter command. Sorry if my wording wasn't correct.
I'm not quite following.
When you created and installed the script in your preferred directory, you simply made it executable, and then ran it, ./ (or what-ever it's called)Now, just run 'ps aux' and look for the process ID that is the otm agent running then use 'kill -9 xxx', with xxx being the process ID. Make sure you only have one otm agent running of course.
When you're sure none is running, just run the starter again;
./ &&
That should be it.
As an update, please know that we are working on this problem and are testing it now.
It takes a while because we need to see real outages and other events occur. -
If you are interested, we have a test version available.
Please see this post; -
How do I utilize this test version? Agent ID is 130562
Linux will be a little harder to test. You might want to wait until we get a final version fix, then your script will automatically update when you kill it and start it again.
Yes, I will then wait for the final version fix. Please let me know when available, thanks!