Track Internet disconnections, provider outages with historical data, and automated speed testing.
For Windows, Linux, ARM64, ARMa7. Learn more by visiting
Notice: If you created an account on, simply use the same credentials to log in here.
Extended Dashboard Not Listing Outages
Here is the log_starter file contents:
=> Function: create_empty_log
=> Function: check_to_download_new_starter
STARTER scripts are the same.run_curl
curl --silent --connect-timeout 15 --max-time 30 --request POST -u b7RYnmxg5q:GzbqrTOvJwLM6kxsmHSgI40djFQElK15XnehPVtB -F function=send_starter_version -F version=2023-12-28_0700_Phoenix_TZ
Wait 5 seconds
Attempting execution
Answer: 1
CURL executed=> Function: check_to_download_new_otm
curl --silent --connect-timeout 15 --max-time 30 --request POST -u b7RYnmxg5q:GzbqrTOvJwLM6kxsmHSgI40djFQElK15XnehPVtB -F function=receive_binary_location
Wait 5 seconds
Attempting execution
CURL executed
OTM binaries are different.
Downloading the OTM binary.
Download successful. -
The starter must run with admin privileges (i.e. sudo) and if you decide, as it seems, that you are running it manually and not as a service you have to check that the process is continuously running in background.
In this right moment the agent is working correctly, it is up and running as this message below the Heartbeat/Status graph is saying...
"Agent was restarted on 2024-02-17 13:14:06 and active for 16 hours 16 minutes 14 seconds .
Keep your agent running 24/7 for the best history and trends." -
Also keep in mind that restarting your router is not an outage, it's considered a disconnection. The agent will always log IP outages when it detects them. Since there have not been any outages, there is nothing to log which is why you see nothing.
Data will only show up in your dashboard if/when outages happen. Remember that the main point of the service is to monitor your provider, the rest of the information is just FYI.
As Ed mentioned, just make sure that the agent is always running and if it is, it will catch the problems as they show up.
Lastly, if you'd like to convert this from manual to automatic service, follow the help in this article. This way, you will not have to manually start it or have it disabled on you if you log out and didn't spawn a process.
I wasnt aware of anything other than the Monthly (or Yearly) subscription for software agents. My understanding is that sensors are only available for hardware agents. My paypal receipt shows "OutagesIO Monthly, 5.95" Profile ID: I-6G87HL7BLFTP. It doesn't mention anything about a sensors subscript. There was an issue activating the upgrade (it didn't immediately upgrade after paypal pmt), so I suspect someone activated the wrong subscript type. when I dealt with support. Sounds logical to me :)
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