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Support for GL-MT300N-V2
The company I am contracted with purchased multiple GL-MT300N-V2 's from your company and I am experiencing difficulty setting up these devices on our network. Could there be something on our firewall that prohibits us from installing your product?
Hi John,
Sorry for being late answering your request, let me explain to you what I see to hopefully help out.
With the email belonging to the user user jfadams321 I only see two associated agents:
- 130148, a sw agent installed on a windows PC, located at "South F... A..." whose status is disconnected (2024-03-13 is last time it was active)
- 130160, a hw agent GL-MT300N-V2, located at "East N... A..." whose status is "abandoned" (2023-03-26 is last time it was active)
But I also see that the following agents have been never activated and the instructions were sent on March 21, 2023:
- 130159
- 130158
- 130157
- 130156
- 130154
So in total you should have 7 agents but none is "alive"
First step: please confirm you have and can identify all the agents I detailed.
Second step: connect them to your LAN with an internet access so we can verify if those agents are communicating with our servers -
Hi, we are here to help you if you can provide us a little more information please.
Hi, I can confirm that 130154, 130156, 130157, 130158, 130159, and 130160 agents have been connected to our LAN with internet access. Agent 130148 has been lost so that one is not currently available. Let me know the next step on how to proceed. Thank you.
On our end, I can confirm the following.
Not one of those agents is communicating with our network.In your case, ID 130154, 130156, 130157, 130158, 130159 were never even activated but the 130160 was active some time back but was eventually abandoned.
I think what is happening, and I'm not sure about this, is that all of them need a firmware update but since they aren't communicating with our network, we cannot send them an update.
There was one problem that affected many hardware agents a while back and that was this; you can follow the directions in the above post, no matter what the problem is, this should take care of it. However, you'll need to find the activation emails that was sent for each one or once we hear from you here, we might be able to activate them manually for you once they are communicating.
Can you try the firmware update first? If you cannot get that going, contact the support email and we'll try to get on a call to help you.
BTW, if I can ask, why do you have them all connected to the same LAN? I assume just to get them online?
replied to jfadams321 on last edited by
Hi John,
Since you have connected your agents to the same LAN and none of them appears to be connecting to our servers I start believing we have to take a different approach.
If you have a windows PC available that is connected to the internet I would strongly suggest to do the following:
- login with your user account to
- create a new SW agent and follow the instructions till the agent changes its status to active (if you need help on this, use this forum's thread)
If this is working, it will prove two things:
- there is communication between your site and our servers
- HW agents have to be firmware updated
If the above procedure is NOT working then we should check if your firewall is preventing basic ICMP
I created a new SW agent and the status is active. Do I now need to run a firmware update on the HW agents? How do I do that if so? Also, yes I connected them all to the same LAN to get them online, this will not be their permanent location on our site.
If the sw agent is on the same network, then there should be no problem with the agents but we suspect they need an update but since they have not been able to reach our network, then they must be part of the series of hw agents that didn't get the update.
We shared the link above that explains how to do it. It's a very simple process, just follow that. You only need a laptop with the downloaded file already copied to it.
It's fine to have them on the same network while doing this. We were just wanting to better understand the situation.
For each agent, we sent an email with an activation code so you'll have to use those codes, on the correct agent ID to activate them into your account.
Or, for each agent you're flashed the firmware on, you can let us know here and we'll look to see if it's communicating and could active it into your account from here.
replied to jfadams321 on last edited by
I do see you installed the sw agent on the same PC that before was associated to the agent 130148, good!Are you able to follow the instructions about the firmware upgrade of the hw agents ?
@jfadams321, we are happy to help you. We don't want to see these agents got to waste.
Can you please contact us using the support form on our site and we'll be happy to get in touch with you. -
I have run a firmware update on all of the agents we have, but when I went to activate them, I kept getting the message that these agents were not connected to the network. They were connected to our switch and I was still getting this error message. Can I get some assistance on this next step so I can get these up and running? Thanks! -
Hi, I can confirm that they are not connected to our network.
Can you please use the contact form letting us know which agents are involved and we can get into direct contact. -
I have used the contact form, providing my email and agents involved, but have not heard back as of yet.
Yes, I believe we saw your email about an hour or two ago. Just a very busy day sorry. Someone will respond shortly.
If this has not been solved yet, we can get your agent/s back up within a few minutes. Please see this post.