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Notice: If you created an account on, simply use the same credentials to log in here. keeps saying Receiving binary location continuously
We think we've found the problem. A little more time and it should be working again.
Hi, the download should work now. We found that using dots in the file name was a problem so have updated all of the file names.
Try it, let us know, please.
filename still downloads as; thought you said updated to no dots in the filename?
Anyway, tried it...
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Receiving binary location
Getting the OTM Package
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL -
Ubuntu..........Please read previous comments for additional detail. Thanks!
I am simulating your agent and all is working fine
You should also see that your agent became activePlease confirm you can see your agent active from the dashboard
As soon as you confirm i will stop it and will try to troubleshoot with you to see what is happening at your site
I am going to stop it anyway since there is no issue in the code
I strongly suggest that you download again the script andto do that you need to follow the link "Click to complete" that I reinstated for you and download again the script to overwrite what you are using nowAlso double check credentials
I also saw you deleted the previous agent (that is why I was asking which ID you were referring to)
Agent says disconnected so that means I need to download again? New credentials again then too right? I am ensuring that the owner and group for the agentid file and script are root root rather than stockmal stockmal. OK, I guess I'll try it again.
By the way, I did not delete the previous agents, it appears someone did from your side. I guess you can delete the most recent one I tried. I'll go through the motions again and let you know. Thanks!
Let me clarify since it seems there is a tiny misunderstanding ...
No one will delete an agent created by a customer, the only possibility is that since the agent was created and never became active in the following 24 hours, since we were testing and troubleshooting, it was removed automatically
I decided to simulate your installation with the credentials and found they were working fine, then i reinstated the conditions of before my intervention
I am suggesting that you download again the script since I have the doubt that it was modified (it is a bet since I cannot say from here)
Every agent changes its status depending if it is communicating with our servers (ACTIVE), lost its connectivity for less than 30 min (INACTIVE) or more than 30 min (DISCONNECTED)
OK, it's working now. If I don't go thru the steps to set it to a service, if I have to reboot this linux box, do I just run the script again?
To also help clarify, this is important to understand.
When you create a new software agent, that agent generates its own credentials.
These are the credentials you put into the /etc/agentid file.If that agent gets removed, those credentials are no longer any good.
Meaning, you would have to create a new one and use those credentials.If you have agents at different locations, you can use the Nickname to keep track of which are which and take note that each of those agents would also have their own credentials.
Therefore, if you use the same credentials, you will mess up your reports.
The reason for the credentials is to make sure that agents and reports match up.
Hope this helps a bit more.
I am just using this for my home so unless I create a windows agent or buy a hardware agent at some point, I don't have a reason to use another agent.
You can also automate it as a service.
If this article doesn't cover your version, just look online for how to enable a script or something else as a service for your particular platform.
Hope all is good now.
I am just using this for my home so unless I create a windows agent or buy a hardware agent at
some point, I don't have a reason to use another agent.No problem. I'm just pointing out how things work in case you decide to monitor other locations.
agent 130561 will auto delete right?
If you create an agent but don't complete the install in 24hrs, yes, it automatically gets removed to prevent confusing seeing multiple agents.
Will see how this works over time on this linux machine. Otherwise, I may buy a hardware agent if I deem it useful. I am a previous customer so that's my reason for going this route with outagesio. Thanks!
replied to stevestockmal on last edited by
Agent 130561 will NOT be deleted automatically since it was activated by my test
If you want to remove it you can do it from the manage menu of the dashboard -
I don't see an option to delete? Shows disconnected and all action buttons unavailable.