
Free Internet troubleshooting agent for Windows 7, 8 and 10\. OutagesIO automatically finds connectivity issues and gives you hard facts.
37 Topics 481 Posts
Automatically monitor your Internet service and provider with alerts to problems
Track Internet disconnections, provider outages with historical data, and automated speed testing.
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  • Windows Install problem

    1 Votes
    13 Posts

    So our Windows dev did some digging and this is what we were told.

    I've found the reason for the crash this person experienced when installing. If the service fails to start because the Listen() call throws an exception then the exception handler calls Close() and Close() fails to check if the handle pointer is a null reference before using it. What I don't know is why we are not able to start a named pipe on that persons machine. I'll add the missing check to the library code but that won't cure the actual problem they had, so I'll investigate further on what might prevent use opening a named pipe on Windows 10 Pro. I've never seen that fail before. So I don't think we have a general issue here, more likely a restriction configured on that machine or possibly the name we use for the pipe is already being used.
  • reconnect SW agent

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    The agent service should automatically start and stop when the PC comes up or goes down.

    Have you looked at the service to make sure it's running? It's called Echo Networks Service.

    When you installed, you were sure to be doing so as Administrator?

  • Agent sometimes stops working

    1 Votes
    17 Posts

    And now we see it Inactive. It it stays this way for 29+ minutes, it will then change to Disconnected status.

    Last communicated on 2023-02-09 13:02:30.

  • Agents is running but not reporting

    1 Votes
    142 Posts

    Trashing us publicly for trying to help you doesn't make any sense. You told us you have had up to 30 agents running and said it was great that it's free.

    As an admin yourself, surely you can appreciate the complexity of this problem. Even as a free member, we are still committed to helping because we want to find and solve the problem.

    The problem is not widespread. If it was, we would be hearing about it a lot but we aren't. You are running 2016 servers and it's quite the task to have a single software that runs across all Windows versions.

    Losing track is easy because it's a very long thread, and we've made other updates in some of the releases. The dev told me it was fixed in 1.75 but the log you sent us was 1.77 so clearly there is simply something that got out of sync.

    If the agent is not working for you, we do not know why. I can tell you that the Windows dev has been working on yet another release to try and improve the fixes recently made but I don't know if that will solve why only some of your agents are not working right.

    I'll reach out again to try and find out what he meant by pointing out 1.75 as being fixed.

  • 1 Votes
    10 Posts


    Not sure how this got past us but there isn't anything that only shows the past hour but perhaps I'm not understanding the question.
    I believe the free community service shows the past 50 events, and the last four hours of pings.

    Pings are mainly just a quick way to know if something has been happening.

    Let us know if you have any more questions and apologies that this somehow got left open.

  • 1 Votes
    9 Posts

    Maybe we were not understanding each other.
    I reviewed this post and I think what you are asking for is to specify what you'd like to ping.

    If so, this is something we've considered and may implement in the future but I'd like to explain why it's not that way right now.

    The main goal of the service is to let you know if your ISP is having problems. That means source and destination but not specifically with the ISP, only through it. In other words, so long as the destination is outside of the ISP, you'll be able to tell when/if your ISP is having problems.

    If we set the ping destination to a certain hop, then you'll only ever know if that hop becomes unavailable and since packets can take different paths, you may not know about other connections failing.

    This is why we just go through the provider to our own network where we have target servers that let the agents know if they reached or didn't reach the target, logging in between when there are IP outages.

    Now, if you were not even seeing hops coming in, that would mean that ICMP is being blocked somewhere and that would affect one aspect of the agent being able to determine outages. Pings aren't really that important but they play one part. There is a constant test being done for source/destination latency. If pings start showing a certain amount of latency, that will trigger an automatic speed test.

    I hope this helps to explain.

  • Dashboard unavailable

    1 Votes
    11 Posts

    Then there's something on the PC that is preventing the service from reaching our network.
    If the install was done as Administrator, then it should have worked but if it didn't, then something else on the PC overrode the installer trying to give itself the required firewall access.

    You can manually add those. Check out this post.

  • 1 Votes
    8 Posts

    OK glad to help.

  • 1 Votes
    49 Posts

    Thank you!!! All reported times (pings, hops, etc) seem to be spot-on here. You guys are the absolute best!!

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Now it is ok
    It seems that the NTP was not working correctly on your device but I need more time to evaluate all the things I have been testing.
    The HW agent is now with the latest firmware which I know is stable.
    Sorry again for the misunderstanding

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    As far as I can see your agent ID 129676 is correctly working

    Can you please, share anyway what was happening at the time of this post ?

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts


    I am assuming that your firewall is also your default gateway, if not then what follows could be incorrect.

    If I take a look at the hops recorded by all 3 SW agents (not only the one you mentioned) and the only HW agent, you will see that only the HW agent is having the first hop pointing to, the other ones go directly to an external IP without passing thru the firewall/gateway.

    So on one side either the Windows agents or the firewall is masking the direct hops or they are connected in a different way from the HW agent; I also saw that the 130435 was once connected in a different way since it had the same that now doesnt show up again.

    In the end, what does it mean?
    If the agent cannot determine where the LAN ends and the provider begins there is no way to give you a correct report about where the outage was and IF it was a network outage or a problem related to cabling (provider's end of cabling).

    If the firewall is NOT your default gateway then it would be nice to understand a bit more about the LAN topology to help to troubleshoot it but so far I haven't seen a wrong behavior from the agents you have installed.

  • incorect function

    1 Votes
    11 Posts

    Thanks for letting us know.

  • Agent stats - error - incorrect?

    1 Votes
    2 Posts


    There are disconnections, meaning, the agent could not reach our network for some reason or another.
    The agent will always log outages that it can determine but when you see these without outages as well, it means something else, bad cable, low signal level if cable/WiFi, something with the provider, or anything but an actual outage.

  • Installation on Win11Pro fails

    1 Votes
    4 Posts


    Did you resolve this?

  • 1 Votes
    23 Posts




  • Agent Disconnected

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Sorry for not answering to this before! :-(
    Please share your agent ID so I can take a look at it